2 useful tools for web writers

Here are 2 free tools that are simple to use. They'll help you write better content for your organisation's website, intranet or blog.

1. Hemingway Editor

Do you struggle to write clearly? Are you prone to prattling on or battling with bureaucratese? It's time to try the Hemingway Editor.

Hemingway tells you when your words, phrases and sentences are too long or complex. It highlights passive voice, and lets you know when you're overusing adverbs. It also counts your words, sentences and paragraphs.

You can write directly in Hemingway or paste into it from another source.

Need your content in HTML format? The desktop version (not free, but cheap) lets you use simple markup to tag headings, lists and links.

Try the Hemingway Editor.

2. SERP Snippet Generator

Do you know how your web pages look in search results? With the Snippet Generator you can see what your audience will see.

Most search results include 3 elements: the page title, a short description and the address. These are usually the HTML title, meta description and URL for your page.

The Snippet Generator guides you to write these elements so they're not too long. And then it shows you what your page might look like on Google or other search engine results pages. You can easily evaluate whether what you've written will make sense to people searching for your content.

Try the SERP Snippet Generator.

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